Latest Blog – MUNSHI Overseas Recruitment | Integrated Facility Management | Manpower Outsourcing Thu, 18 Jan 2024 06:22:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Latest Blog – MUNSHI 32 32 New Job Awkwardness 5 Effective ways to Overcome Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:44:23 +0000 So, you’ve just joined a new job. You got through the entire recruitment process and you’re finally there. What now? This is where the less-experienced amongst us fall apart. It’s one thing to be qualified for a job; it’s another thing entirely thing entirely, to be there in the thick of it. Not everyone has a bubbly and social personality, and that’s totally normal. It’s fine to be awkward at the start. What matters is getting past your awkwardness and coming into your own in the workplace. Ultimately, teamwork shines in the workplace, and to succeed you need to able to mesh into the office culture and get along with its other citizens. Here are just a few simple ways you can be less awkward at a new job.

Make an effort to start New Job conversations

The people at your job will be in your life for the foreseeable future. It’s unlikely that everyone will come up to you and introduce themselves. Make the effort to do it yourself, and make some friends in the process. There are always a few social and engaging people in the workplace who will look to help you get acquainted and well situated. But it’s your job to find them.

Be willing to accept change

Were you used to a more formal atmosphere at your old job? Perhaps more casual wear? None of that matters now. It’s your job to meld yourself into the new office environment and that means being able to accept some new changes. Remember, change is only a bad thing, if you consider it a bad thing. Embrace change and learn from it.

Get good at small talk

This is advice that will help you beyond your job. Everyone likes to interact with someone friendly who always has fun conversation topics to fall back on. It might surprise you but small talk can actually build the foundation for future teamwork and opportunities, just by making you seem a more friendly person. Ask your coworkers some probing (but not too personal) questions to learn more about the new job and them at the same time.

Actively listen:

One of the few things everyone in life appreciates is a good listener. People like to be heard – give them exactly that. Listen to what others say, and learn from it. Try not to form and share opinions too quickly at a new job, as it’s very important to first learn the workings of the company before you start sharing ideas and opinions – always listen and learn first.

Build relationships

If you’re not the type of person who would go interact with all your coworkers and get to know them at the same time, that’s fine. Go slow. Work your way through a few people at a time. Get to know and become their friends. Volunteer for projects and offer your expertise when needed. Good relationships in the workplace will make or break your opportunities in your time there.

It doesn’t take much to come out of your shell and flourish in the workplace. Remember, starting is always the hard part. All you have to do is put in the effort.


Starting a new job can be challenging, especially if you’re not naturally outgoing.Don’t worry if you feel a bit awkward at first; it’s normal.To ease into your new workplace, make the first move by initiating conversations.Not everyone will approach you, so take the initiative to introduce yourself.Embrace changes in the office culture, whether it’s a shift in formality or dress code.

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Background Verification Discover the Key of Benefits 2024 Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:41:58 +0000 Learn about the important advantages of background verification. Discover how it can help you make informed hiring decisions, mitigate risks, ensure workplace safety, and protect your company’s reputation. Find out more about the benefits of background verification today.The job market is ever-evolving with dynamics present you couldn’t even imagine 30 years ago.

The best option for any company is to adapt and change how they operate with the times. Recruitment can become a very time-consuming and expensive process. Every company wants to recruit the applicants with the best qualifications and the most potential – but how do you find them and know the information they provide is legitimate? Recruiters have to take quite a few steps before they’re able to hire a candidate. This is where background verification comes into play.

Background Verification

No one will ever deny that it’s people who form the foundation for any successful company, brand or even economy. This is exactly why employees need to be vetted properly, as employers need to be able place 100% of their trust in them. While background verification may seem intrusive and raise privacy concerns, it is done with very specific goals in mind, and with the applicant’s consent. Here are some of the ways background verification can help your company:

Identity Checks

The basic checks to verify one’s identity – through a person’s NID, Passport, Voter ID, Driving License etc. This is one check that’s very common across all industries, and has proven itself as a reliable way to authenticating someone’s claimed identity.

Employment and Education Verification

It’s sadly not very uncommon to come across falsified employment and education documents in order to qualify some of the more advanced jobs. This check is required to safeguard a company from frauds and/or other illegal activities.

Criminal Records

No employer wants to hire someone who’s potentially a criminal, especially if they’re lying about having a criminal record. There have been past incidents involving such cases with criminals lying about their records which have severely damaged a company’s reputation. This is a type of background check that is becoming increasingly common in the New job market, as it can potentially protect companies from a lot of hurt in the future.

Safer Workplace

Background checks allow for security in your work environment. Even knowing that every single new hire is carefully screened allows for the rest of the employees to know that they work in a safe environment. And this is, of course, in addition to the fact that your company is severely lowering its chances of any of its employees taking part in any criminal activities.

Find the right candidate

There may be a lot of applicants, who on paper,have the right qualifications, but how do you narrow them down to the person who’d be the best fit for the company? It’s through background verification. If an applicant misrepresents their employment history, education, certifications, criminal history or employment eligibility, it would not only result in a bad hire, but it could potentially result in financial, legal and regulatory damages for the hiring company.Secure your business with background verification

Background verification is an absolutely necessary step to the recruitment process in today’s world. Simple checks are just not enough to dig into whether an applicant may be lying about the information pertaining to them. Build security, trust and productivity in your company by employing background checks to find the right employee for you.


background verification plays a crucial role in the recruitment process by providing important benefits to companies.By conducting identity checks, employment and education verification, criminal records checks, and creating a safer workplace, background verification helps employers make informed hiring decisions, mitigate risks, and protect their company’s reputation.It ensures that the right candidate is chosen, reducing the chances of financial, legal, and regulatory damages.Overall, background verification is an essential step in today’s job market to build security, trust, and productivity within a company.

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MANAGING FINANCES DURING A JOB TRANSITION Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:13:16 +0000 It’s an increasingly challenging affair, managing your finances. And that’s when you actually have a stable income. What about when you’re in between jobs? It’s a daunting task, to say the least. However, no issue remains an issue as long as you plan for it.

Changing careers is an exciting affair. That feeling of having all your options opened up is unlike anything else. While finding your new job remains a priority, it’s important to control your expenditure and financial affairs. Here are a few tips to planning for managing your resources during a job transition.

· Emergency Fund: This may come off as a bit of an old idea, but the reason it’s stuck around all this time is because it is a highly effective one. You need to have a cushion to land on if things don’t work as well as you want it to. Having an emergency fund set aside to last you anywhere between six months to one year is ideal.

· Track your expenditure: This tip goes beyond a job transition and can apply to you anywhere, at any time. It cannot be stressed enough, track your expenditure. Your credit card charges, interest on loans, subscription services and food and utility costs, transportation costs, all of it. Having a clear idea of how much you spend each month is the easiest way to realize where you need cut your spending and how much you could expect to spend a month. Tracking your expenditure is also a great way to truly understand the value of money, and lowering impulsive expenses.

· Manage your credit: It’s not very financially viable to be managing numerous credit card bills, it’s best to have a couple to deal with at most. Try not to overextend on credit card expenditure during the job transition, and try to be stingy with how you use your credit cards. It’s smart to not use it for every single expenditure, always try to preserve your credit when you know you don’t have a constant income. Obviously, never miss or be late on credit card payments.

· Limit spending: This goes without saying, but you don’t currently have a stable income, so you should be looking to save money, not increase your spending. However, you can still mitigate this to some extent if you have an emergency fund set up.

· Part-time Jobs: If you think you might start struggling financially or if you don’t have enough money set aside, it might be prudent to consider getting a part-time job to earn some cash till you can land a full-time job.

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